The kids were excited to run down to the house today since it's a beautiful day outside, even if it's a bit chilly out. I think this is the first winter I haven't even seen sign of snow since I came down to Tennessee 14 years ago.
Anyway, back to our house. Siding is appearing everywhere! On the Front...
...On the back...
...and way up top! I think he's up about 50 feet! I can't imagine working up at that height! Dan and Daryl did admit it is scary at times working that high up. I don't want to imagine!
At least Daryl got to work on a platform with a railing. :)
Inside the house, we have some light fixtures. This is the light over the shelf over the stairs.
Lights in the playroom.
We also have electrical wires run in the walls upstairs too!
The air return has been installed upstairs. I'm going to have FUN changing that someday. Good thing I'm 5'2" and know how to use a step ladder! :)
The air duct has been sealed now upstairs and we also have light switches and plugs for the office now.
Tommy inspecting the girls dress up room with the new electrical hookups.
My Peanut butter loving girls in their dress up room.
Fan light in the girls room.
Vanity wiring in the bathroom. I don't know why they put it in that w shape, but it's that way wherever we are putting vanity lights.
We also have our bathroom vents installed and connected.
Caught the Electrician sitting on the job! Actually he's wiring up the lights in the hallway on the main floor, so I guess that's allowed. :)
One of the girl electricians that Becky is excited about.
After looking at all the changes happening at the house, I headed to the Brick and Stone store to pick out and pay for our brick and stone. I stopped at a competitor brick company to compare prices, then made the decision to stick with Key James. I ordered the Mossy Creek stone in the Old Worlde pattern, and decided on the James Brick Hampstead. Yikes - it's scary making the final call on those! But I love them and can't wait to see them installed.
I also held up some of the paint samples we like. Tom still is leaning towards the blue and I'm still leaning towards the gray. We shall see...