Monday, November 21, 2011

Walling up

Ahh, it's morning and another new day of work on our house. :)
 Dan is measuring the walls to make sure they are at the right height

The men are measuring the walls and cutting wood to make all the walls even for the floor joists to be put on today. :)

East Chattanooga Lumber brought some more supplies - flooring for once the joists are up. They also brought more lumber for the walls.

Flooring. :) Not the finished kind - the sub-flooring kind.

View of the Bedroom, Future Family/Play room and Garage/Workshop.

Working on the walls for the stairs.
Tommy made good friends with Darryl and was offered a carpenters pencil. I think that act made Tommy's day.  

Getting ready for the JOISTS!!! 

Kyle working on backfilling behind the wall. 

Becky found a cricket to play with. She named him Jiminy (with a little prompting from me). 

It was fun watching Kyle dump the gravel in from his bobcat.  

When Tom got home, we went down to check it out in the dark. Sorry for the bad lighting - but you can tell we finally have joists up! :)

View from above garage. 

Here's another future storage room. Tom and I briefly talked about adding a window here, but we don't really need another bedroom. For now we'll keep it storage.

Another view of the storage room.

Becky in the hallway/bedroom closet.

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