Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pinterest Challenge: Owl make you feel better

I had no idea that when the Bower Power blog & Young House Love blog challenged bloggers to a Fall Pinterest Challenge that the project I chose would end up being so perfect.

 I had a couple of things pinned in my DIY folder, the first of which was a mailbox post to be used for our address. I was really planning on making this my project. Tom and I got all the supplies, then ran out of steam. So it got put back on the shelf. We will be doing this in the future though, so stay tuned!

The second idea I had was to make a tooth fairy pillow for my son. I really liked the Monster Tooth Pillow idea, so I ran out and got fabric for it.

Then I saw some owl patterns and thought, hmm, maybe an owl tooth pillow would be better - a bit more gender friendly since I have 2 girls and only 1 boy. So I searched around until I found a pattern I liked (happened to be for a card) and printed it out.
I cut out the template and looked at my fabric. I found some other fabric laying around at home that also went with the fabric I found at Joann's. 
Next I cut out the fabric using the template. This was not easy, so I have no pictures. I don't know how you are supposed to really cut out fabric using a template, so i just held the fabric up to the template and cut. Instead of appliqueing the owl to a pillow, I decided to see what would happen if I made it into a little pillow itself. Once I got the fabric cut, I put it in a plastic bag so i wouldn't loose the pieces. The only part that I wasn't sure about were the ears - but once I got everything sewn together (once again, no pictures of the sewing process - too excited!) the ears turned out fine. 
Turned out pretty cute if you ask me. I filled the owl up with rice and then to cover up where I sewed the owl shut, I hot glued the wings over the seams. Maybe not perfect, but it's perfect for my sweet little girl who ended up getting sick this morning. So when she asked if she could have it...
I agreed!

Pin It!

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